Trinity task section 2
Instructions on how to play rugby
Dear friend
These are some instructions to play rugby:
First you need to bring sport clothes:
*Like a short.
*A rugby T-shirt.
*A par of spikes shoes.
*A gum shield.
Now the instructions.
*To play rugby you need to put the Gum shield to
protect you mouth.
*To play rugby you need to tackle bellow the hips.
*To play rugby you need to pass the ball behind or is penalty.
*And if the ball is going front is called knock on and you need to do a scrum.
We are going to meet on the Mackay School, in Reñaca.
Bye, Vicente
Trinity task 3
Subject:The Mackay
Hi dear new Friend,
The Mackay School is a big school we have a rugby pitch,
and 1 of football, we have a camp in mantagua,
we don´t have a swimming pool, the thing I like most in the Mackay is the Rugby, because is a beautiful sport.
I am going to help you in your first days, and to study.
Bye, Vicente