martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

trinity task section 2

Dear Friend,
 this is some instructions to play Rugby
frist you need to bring sport clothes, like a short, a Rugby t-shirt, a par of spikes clothes, a mauthground.
Ok now the instructions.
to play rugby you need to put the mauthground to protect you mouths.
to play rugby you need to tackle bellow the hips.
you need to pass the ball behind or is penalty.
if the ball going, front is called knock on and you need to do a scrum.

Now were we going to meet.
we going to meet in the Mackay School.

task 3

In the "University of Pedro de Valdivia" we have a serious problem with the unhealthy food in the canteen, recently I see that is serving pizazz and hamburgers in the canteen, that's tipes for food is totally unhealthy, junk, I ,one of the heads teachers of the Pedro de Valdivia, think that we need to change that because we are hurting our students give us this junk food.

 to do that we need a lot of help of our students and teachers to can change the unhealthy food of the Canteen to healthy food, like vegetables 

task 2

To: joseagustin@gmail.dom
Subject:The Mackay school

Hi dear friend,
 I dear new class met, I will tell you about you new school, in this school you have a lot of things 
To do like music, sports. The N*1 sport in the school is the rugby, is a very hard sport, and is a sport that you need a very good team. The word that represent the school is "vincit qui se vincit" that
means he who conquers himself, wins. And this is one of the important thinks of the school.